Harald Ellingsen on Humor Projects Conference 2012

Harald Eide Ellingsen hadde gleden av å få holde en gjeste-presentasjon om "Humor in the work place" Mai 2012, på "the 55th International Conference on "Survive AND Thrive: The Positive Power of Humor and Creativity" i Silver Bay, NY, USA. (www.humorproject.com).

Norwegian standup artist and "lecturer of humor" Harald Eide Ellingsen gave a small presentation about "Humor in the work place" in May 2012, on the 55th International Conference on "Survive AND Thrive: The Positive Power of Humor and Creativity" in Silver Bay, NY, USA. (www.humorproject.com).

The topic was "humor in the workplace", but Harald being Harald, a lot of the limited time was spent talking about his Toilet Paper Fold Blog (www.toiletpaperfolds.com) and his stuttering problems. Harald Eide Ellingsen is norwegian, this was his first presentation in english.